World News

 A Woman Gave Trump The Middle Finger Therefore Costing Her Job 

A woman has been sacked from her job after a photo of her raising a middle finger at President Trump went viral. Juli Briskman, 50, was cycling past the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, when she noticed a motorcade carrying the President and realised it was an opportunity she could not miss.
Lifting her left arm, Ms Briskman gave Mr Trump the finger and was snapped by a photographer travelling in the motorcade.
The image was widely shared across social media and featured prominently on late-night comedy shows, but it has resulted in Ms Briskman losing her marketing and communications job with Akima - a government contractor.
After deciding to notify Akima's HR department what had happened, Ms Briskman was called into a meeting and reportedly told she had broken the company's social media policy by using the image as her profile picture on Twitter and Facebook.

Donald Trump's Twitter Account Has Seemed To Run Out Of Existence
Twitter blamed a customer-support employee "who did this on the employee's last day".
The internet was seized by a brief spell of panic just before 11pm on Thursday, when the US President's account disappeared suddenly and without explanation.

Mr Trump has 41.7 million followers on Twitter and makes extensive use of it for everything from promoting his policies to attacking his opponents.
While the account was down, a search for @realDonaldTrump returned only a blue background and the line "sorry that page does not exist".



Pakistan's Former PM, Navas Sharif, Have been Put To Court For Corruption Charges

The papers, leaked from a law firm in Panama in 2016, indicated Mr Sharif's sons failed to declare several offshore companies, some of which helped them to buy properties in London's Mayfair.
Mr Sharif denies charges of corruption stemming from documents.
He arrived at court flanked by security, along with his daughter and son-in-law, who also face charges of corruption.
An investigation accused Mr Sharif of concealing assets and hiding his family's wealth by overemphasising his father's.




A New Great Ape Species (Oranguta) Has Been Discovered in Sumatra

Numbers of the new species, Pongo tapanuliensis, are so small and their habitat is so fragmented that they are in danger of going extinct. A study published on Thursday in the journal Current Biology says there are no more than 800 of the primates - making it the most endangered great ape species.
Researchers say the population is highly vulnerable and its habitat is under further pressure from development.
It is the first newly discovered great ape species in nearly 90 years.




Donald Trump is on the Go-Ahed to Cancelling The USA Diversity Visa Lottery Program Worldwide


President Trump said Wednesday he would ask Congress to end the diversity visa lottery program, after it was reported that the suspect who attacked people in New York with a rented van entered the country in 2010 under that program.

“I am today starting the process of terminating the Diversity Lottery Program,” Trump said in the White House. “I am going to ask Congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program. It sounds nice, it’s not nice. It’s not good.”

Trump also said America has to get “much tougher” if it wants to discourage terrorists from attacking U.S. citizens at home, and said it’s time to ditch “politically correct” things like the diversity visa program.
“We have to get much tougher. We have to get much smarter, and we have to get much less politically correct,” the president said during a meeting with his Cabinet on Wednesday. “We’re so politically correct that we’re afraid to do anything.”

Trump spoke a day after police said a 29-year-old Uzbek national drove through a crowd of pedestrians in downtown Manhattan. He said his plan to base immigration decisions on merit, and not a lottery, is a needed improvement.

“We want a merit-based program and we want to get rid of chain migration,” he added.

Sayfullo Saipov, the suspected actor behind Tuesday’s terror attack who authorities have said pledged allegiance to ISIS, came to the U.S. in 2010 through the State Department program. Trump called the program “a Chuck Schumer beauty,” referring to the Senate Democratic leader from New York, in a series of tweets Wednesday morning.

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